<- Home | Stephen Colbert Walmart Theft (length: 01:49) -> | Stephen Colbert vs. Rancor (length: 00:27) -> | Colbert Report: The Word "99 Problems" (8/22/06) (... -> | American Pop Culture - It's Crumbelievable! (lengt... -> | The Daily Show - Medical Marijuana (length: 05:33) -> | TDS - Klassic Kolbert (length: 04:11) -> | HOT ASIAN GIRL does STRIPTEASE..... (length: 05:46) -> | Colbert invades Cuba -> | Colbert and DC -> | stewart on colbert ->

Colbert wants Jon to apologize to Geraldo (length: 06:05)

Stephen on the Daily Show telling Jon Stewart to apologize for offending Geraldo Rivera

some comments from YouTube.Com:

1. "He even let me make out with his wife". Very nice.
2. Jon Stewart for President and Stephen Colbert for VP!!
3. YES!!!! I agree with you 100%, he'd probably win too.
4. why did u bother watching the video anyway?
5. Colbert is just not funny.