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American Pop Culture - It's Crumbelievable! (length: 08:22)

The Colbert Report
23 Aug 2006

A Colbert Report Special Report:
American Pop Culture - It's Crumbelievable!

with an interview with OK Go vocalist Damian Kulash.

some comments from YouTube.Com:

1. Damian is beautiful, but not much of a conversationalist. Which is strange, because their songs are pretty cleverly written. Oh, well, not everyone can be good at everything (except for Stephen).

2. he's actually the most talkative person ever. i think he was just thrown off by colbert's style. usually people let damian ramble on for hours, and colbert never allows that, lol.

3. Michael Jackson will always be the King of Pop.
He has not abdicated nor has he been usurped.


4. I can't stop watching OK Go either. I was hoping you'd post this segment soon, thanks! Another person without a tv handy.

5. Ty again for the postings. Watching the colbert report on youtube talking about things on youtube... geting surreal